April 2019 archive

Sticks And Stones

Sticks And Stones by Abby Cooper is about a girl named Elyse. She has a weird “disease”, and whenever someone thinks something about her, it will pop up on her arms and legs. For example, if someone says shes pretty, the word ‘pretty’ will pop up on her arms or legs. Elyse hates what she has because she gets bullied about it. Some people think it’s cool and some people think it’s weird. She also gets embarrassed about it, and hides it even if she is inside or outside. No matter how high the temperature, she wears long sleeves and pants. When rude or mean words come up, it itches “like a thousand mosquito bites.”

  I would really recommend this book, because when I read it, I just couldn’t stop reading it. This book left me on a cliffhanger, but if you like books that make you want to skip to the end of the book, then this is the book for you. Also, this is one of my favorite Abby Cooper books so far. This book made me laugh and made me a little sad when people would call her ugly and dumb, but at the end of the book there is a twist. Read Sticks And Stones to see what the twist is.