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Sticks And Stones

Sticks And Stones by Abby Cooper is about a girl named Elyse. She has a weird “disease”, and whenever someone thinks something about her, it will pop up on her arms and legs. For example, if someone says shes pretty, the word ‘pretty’ will pop up on her arms or legs. Elyse hates what she has because she gets bullied about it. Some people think it’s cool and some people think it’s weird. She also gets embarrassed about it, and hides it even if she is inside or outside. No matter how high the temperature, she wears long sleeves and pants. When rude or mean words come up, it itches “like a thousand mosquito bites.”

  I would really recommend this book, because when I read it, I just couldn’t stop reading it. This book left me on a cliffhanger, but if you like books that make you want to skip to the end of the book, then this is the book for you. Also, this is one of my favorite Abby Cooper books so far. This book made me laugh and made me a little sad when people would call her ugly and dumb, but at the end of the book there is a twist. Read Sticks And Stones to see what the twist is.

Rain Reign

By: Karina Garcia


The book Rain Reign is about a girl named Rose, and she has high functional autism. She is always talking about homonyms, prime numbers, and rules. Whenever Rose gets frustrated, she thinks of a homonym or prime number. One night Rose’s dad found a stray dog in the rain, in the middle of the night and he gave the dog to Rose. She then named her dog “Rain,” or Reign, which is a homonym and she loved that name. A horrible flood came and Rain got lost when Rose’s dad let her out, and Rose did everything she could to find her dog.

      I loved this book so, so much because it makes you want to keep reading on and I had a hard time putting this book down. There was some mystery parts that would make you excited to know what was going to happen next. didn’t think I would like this book, but I was totally wrong. Meeting Rose and Reign changed my heart because some parts in the book would make me tear up sometimes because she would do the sweetest things and would warm up my heart.



Mockingbird is a book about a girl named Caitlin who has Asperger’s Syndrome and has a hard time understanding feelings, and doesn’t like using colors, but she wants the world in black and white. Caitlin’s brother Devon, would help Caitlin and protect her from loud noises, but he died and she was left to do these things on her own.. Caitlin’s dad is maintaining the household and trying to help Caitlin which becomes a struggle. Meanwhile, at school, it’s difficult for her to make friends so Mrs. Brook, the school counselor, tries to help her but Caitlin thought it was pointless.
        The book changed my heart because if I were Caitlin, I would not like to be confused at telling feelings. I would get frustrated because I wouldn’t be able to tell what anyone is feeling. One of the many things that changed my heart was her trying again and never giving up on making friends and telling feelings. When people who loved Caitlin tried to help her, it made my heart feel warm and fuzzy. This novel has changed me as a person because now I better understand people that are different than me, so now I want to be nice to no matter who it is.